
4 Ways CBD Can Help Improve Your Life | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: Savannah, GA / What is CBD?, Why CBD Doesn’t Get You High?, Why is CBD Research Needed?, Interested in Trying CBD?

With Cannabinol (CBD) showing up in stores all over the nation, many people are wondering what’s with this new sensation that has taken the nation by storm. CBD is showing up in health stores, large retailers, small shops, coffee shops, gas stations and more.

CBD is the cannabinoid that is found in cannabis that won’t get you “high.” This had led to CBD’s increase in popularity. CBD that is extracted by hemp is allowed to be carried legally in stores nationwide, while CBD extracted from marijuana is not legal nationwide due to it’s higher tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) level. Hemp-based CBD contains 0.3 percent of THC, not enough to even show up on a drug test.

Some of the main reasons CBD has become so popular is due to the fact that it doesn’t get you “high” and the reported health benefits. CBD is claimed to help numerous people with their ailments, symptoms, and even beauty.

If you’re someone who wonders what’s so special about CBD, here are some things hemp-based CBD has been reported to help with:


Not getting enough sleep can really throw off your day. People have reported that CBD helps with their insomnia. CBD has been reported to improve the sleep of users in general because of it’s relaxing properties.


Another popular use of CBD is for helping relieve stress. People have reported using CBD when they are at work, an event, or some kind of activity where they need to focus. Since CBD doesn’t contain THC, it makes it ideal for getting the stress relieving benefits while not being impaired.


Many people in the US and around the world suffer from arthritis. There is no cure for arthritis, which causes pain and stiffness in certain areas of the body. People are left with few options to combat arthritis. CBD has been reported to help with relieving pain. This is one reason companies like CVS have begun selling CBD lotions and creams to help provide a more natural remedy towards combating the arthritis pain.


CBD has been claimed to be effective in treating depression. “The cannabinoids produced in our bodies (endocannabinoids) help to regulate several functions of the body such as mood, pain sensation, sleep, and appetite. These substances exert their actions by binding to specific points of brain cells called the receptors through which they potentiate the actions of a substance called serotonin which acts to improve mood and reduce stress levels.

Serotonin also acts by binding to its receptors in brain cells. When these chemical substances bind to their respective receptors, they trigger a series of events within each brain cell stimulating processes that improve mood and stress control.

CBD has been found to help improve depressive symptoms by modulating the actions of the endocannabinoids and also potentiating the effects of serotonin by enhancing the activity of the receptors unto which serotonin binds.”

Savannah Store Location:
302 West Victory Drive,
Savannah, GA 31405
Phone: 912-349-7666