
How to Pick the Right Vape Pen | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: San Antonio, TX / CBD, CBD Vapes, Best CBD Vapes, What is CBD Vape?

Disposable and refillable CBD vape pen have become quite the rage lately. With vape pens being quick and easy, less harmful than traditional smoke, and their discreteness, it’s not hard to see why.

Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary: San Antonio, TX

There are tons of disposable CBD vape pens, non-disposable vape pens and CBD vape kits on the market. However, not all of them are created equally. Brand reputation for cannabis products, in general, is key with the rapidly growing marijuana industry. The cannabis industry is like the wild west right now. Regulators haven’t been able to keep up with the plethora of products being introduced to the market.

This had led to some companies producing low-quality vape pens and releasing them to consumers. By the time regulators have a chance to check out a product, the products containing harmful ingredients have already entered the market. This is why buying from a trusted brand is so important.

CBD Vape Pens

Another popular topic regarding the cannabis industry is CBD. Recently, CBD has been a widely talked about topic. Questions like: is it legal? Are there any negative side effects? Will I get high from it? Can I vape CBD oil? are extremely common. And rightfully so, there’s a lot of confusion regarding the topic. However, limited studies have been conducted due to federal regulations prohibiting research due to cannabis being a schedule I drug by the DEA

Here are some of the basics, CBD stands for cannabinol and is one out of the many cannabinoids that exist within cannabis. What makes CBD unique is that it offers users the health wellness benefits from cannabis without making a user “stoned,” like THC, otherwise known as tetrahydrocannabinol.

CBD vape pens have become a highly demanded product. It takes a lot of the confusion out of using CBD. Less experienced users can simply press a button, let the pen heat up, and take a puff. It’s that simple.

Our Best CBD Vape Pens

Due to the growing demand for vaping CBD, we decided to get in on the action and created a line of high-quality CBD Hemp Vape Pens.

We offer both CBD Hemp Vape Cartridges that can be attached to rechargeable pens for multiple uses and disposable vape pen that offer a more hassle and user-friendly approach. If you are a more experienced and frequent user, investing in a vape pen and replacing cartridges might be the way to go. If you are a light and inexperienced user, disposable CBD vape pen could be the better option.

Our new disposable CBD Hemp Pens have three delicious cannabis strain derivatives, Gorilla Glue, Grand Daddy Purp, and Strawberry Lemonade.

Our Experience with Our CBD Vape Cartridges

One of our staff members had the chance to test out one of our vape cartridges. He tried out our, ‘Mary Jane’s Grapefruit Kush Cartridge.’ The cartridge contained 250mg of full spectrum CBD vape oil. The cartridge was attached to a Leaf Buddi Vape Pen.

The following is his experience and thoughts on the product:

“This was actually my first experience trying a CBD vape pen. I have tried a THC vape pen before while traveling in California. So, I was pretty excited to try this one out. 

I have tried other CBD products before like CBD edibles and CBD water. I’ve had mixed results with certain CBD gummy brands. However, I was a big fan of the CBD water I tried. Within around thirty minutes after drinking it, I felt my anxiety decrease and felt all around calmer.

I’m not a big vaper in general, but I was excited to try our Mary Jane’s CBD cartridges and CBD vape juice due to all the positive reviews from customers.

I took my first puff at around 10:45 am. I had already had my morning coffee and some breakfast, and was ready to get the day rolling, no pun intended. After a few minutes passed, I took a few more drags on the pen.

11 am: I started feeling a relaxing tingle throughout my body. 

11:30 am: I am well into my work while feeling relaxed. I don’t feel drowsy or intoxicated at all. The relaxing tingle is fading, but I still feel calm. 

12:00 pm: Still feeling sharp and alert, while feeling relaxed. It’s an interesting mix 

12:30 pm: I had a snack between 12 – 12:30. The tingle has completely left, but I still feel calm and now a little sleepy, but that was probably because of the snack.

This basically sums up my experience during the day after using the vape cartridge multiple times. Overall, it was a nice and mellow feeling. I didn’t feel out of focus or less alert. I mainly just felt calmer and overall relaxed during the peak while performing work tasks. I would highly recommend this product to a first-time CBD user because of the simplicity and smoothness of consumption.” If you decide to vape, you can also try CBD vape kit.


What is a vape pen?

This is a compact device that is used to vaporize vape juice, as well as vape juice with additional ingredients (for example, CBD vape juice or Delta 8 vape juice). This is a new type of vaporization that you can use to replace standard smoking.

Do you have CBD pens in your range?

Yes, we have CBD vape pens and you can also purchase CBD vape juice separately to use it when you already have a vape pen. A CBD vape pen is one of the quickest ways to get the full benefit of CBD, as vaporizing the CBD juice allows for the quickest way to get to your endocannabinoid system.

What vaping products do you have in your store?

We have a wide range of vaping products to choose from. For example, disposable CBD pens, CBD vape juices, Delta 8 cartridges and Delta 8 vape juices. You can find more information about our range in the Shop tab.

What flavors of vape juices do you have in your store?

We love unusual, bright and juicy tastes, so we strive to create interesting combinations for you, such as:

  • Pineapple Express
  • Jet Fuel Blue Razz
  • Strawberry Cheesecake
  • Melon Burst
  • Bursting Blueberry Cotton Candy
  • Cool Mint
  • Pink Lemonade.
Texas Store Location:
7115 Blanco Road, Suite 113,
San Antonio, TX 78216