
Our CBD Story: New Store Opening Soon in San Antonio | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: San Antonio, TX / New CBD store in San Antonio, Our CBD story, CBD hemp products, CBD benefits

CBD has been all over the news recently due to the spread of cannabis legislation. CBD stands for cannabinol and has been found to help with numerous ailments and conditions. These conditions include things like stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, arthritis, acne, and much more.

Harmful pharmaceutical medications such as opioids have pushed people to turn to more natural remedies such as CBD. In states where medical cannabis is legal, there is a significant decrease in the use of opioids. CBD is great because you receive the health and wellness benefits from cannabis without the “high.”

Due to the high demand for CBD and the chance to give people an alternative to harmful medications, that is how our story began.

Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary - San Antonio, Texas

How We Started

Originally, our store started off has as a smoke shop where we sold tobacco accessories. After we had opened, we started realizing just how badly people wanted access to CBD hemp products. As we learned more about CBD how and the testimonials from people have preached about CBD’s benefits, we decided to switch gears.

Our team decided to test the waters by carrying only $1,000 worth of full-spectrum CBD hemp products. The answer became apparent quickly after we sold out of all our products. After we sold out, our team decided to make the change to convert from a smoke shop into a CBD store.

After opening as a smoke shop for a short period of time, we temporality shut down our store locations in Savannah, GA and Asheville, NC for a few months to make the switch. Once we made the switch, we began carrying over $100,000 worth of full-spectrum CBD hemp products due to the strong demand.


After the success of our two store locations, we decided to expand. We have opened up a kiosk in Oglethorpe mall located in Savannah, GA that exclusively sells our Mary Jane’s Natural Beauty products, which are aimed at fighting the effects of aging.

Currently, we are in the process of opening more store locations. These next locations will be in Texas, with one store coming soon in San Antonio. Our team is honored to reach this point and is excited for what the future has in store.


Texas Store Location:
7115 Blanco Road, Suite 113,
San Antonio, TX 78216