CBD Pain Cream: Can I Use CBD Pain Cream For Plantar Fasciitis? | Evans Road CBD Store

We’ve seen a significant spike in advertising and media coverage around the benefits of CBD related products. Most of the reporting offers a variety of benefits from pain to anxiety with almost any ailment but still poses several concerns. To cut right to the chase, can CBD products help with foot pain? The short and simple answer is: yes, it can help with foot pain. If you’re experiencing foot pain, you ‘re probably looking for ways to relieve the pain as well as checking for the advantages and dangers of using CBD products for your foot pain. We ‘re here to help explain how CBD cream functions, and how it can help you with your foot-related pain. If it comes to foot care and muscle or joint discomfort, we suggest first attempting topical products directly applied to the feet. Topical drugs are prescribed for this form of pain as a ‘first-line’ remedy, because much less of the drug directly reaches the bloodstream and there are no adverse side effects such as an upset stomach. You’ll read that research done on the efficacy of CBD for foot pain shows some serious promise for those experiencing pain issues.

How should CBD be taken for foot pain?

Please note that while Pedicurian provides remedies for topical treatment of foot care pain, it is important to remember that topical CBD products address only the symptoms and not any underlying conditions that may be at the root of the problem. Consult your podiatrist to learn more about what could be causing the discomfort. Topical CBD products have anti-inflammatory properties and are useful in the treatment of the following foot conditions:

  • Heel pain/plantar fasciitis
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Neuropathy pain
  • Chronic Pain from previous injuries

Will taking CBD products cause me to get high or feel weird?

Yes, CBD is THC free, but you must be confident that the items you are purchasing come from a reputable distributor. THC is “the high” chemical compound. CBD is not psychoactive like THC. This means the mind or mental processes are not adversely affected. CBD, is a cannabinoid, a marijuana-related drug obtained from the hemp plant. CBD does not produce a high in comparison to the more well-known cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

How do CBD products work for pain?

In the central nervous system the CBD interacts with pain receptors. The science of how it works exactly isn’t understood yet as scientists are trying to discover the compound’s mysteries. CBD drugs are transdermal and in a topical form, meaning they can be absorbed through your skin, enter your bloodstream and you can feel comfortable. Topical treatment is designed to spot relieve localized pain and allows for quicker absorption of sore areas when applied to the right areas.

Should I pre-treat my pain?

If you tend to develop pain from overuse of your joints and muscles, we recommend that you treat the area with topical rubbing with CBD. If you know that you’re going to take part in a workout or operation that usually causes you foot discomfort, we recommend that you get ahead of the game and apply the topical rub beforehand.

Can I legally purchase CBD topical treatments?

CBD products are readily available in most of the U.S. According to Harvard’s Medical School Blog article, “Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t, “CBD is readily obtainable in most parts of the United States, though its exact legal status is in flux. All 50 states have laws that regulate CBD with varying degrees of regulation, and although the federal government often considers CBD to be in the same class as marijuana, it generally does not prosecute it. The FDA relaxed the regulatory conditions in December 2015 to allow researchers to carry out CBD trials. Currently, many people obtain CBD online without a medical cannabis license.”

Where Can I Get the Best CBD Creams for Pain Relief?

When it comes to purchasing quality CBD Pain Creams that are long-lasting and effective, you always want to make sure the products you are receiving come from a reputable source like Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary. The main reason for picking products like ours is to ensure you only get the best quality CBD products and never receive any ineffective and/or potentially harmful products. With locations across several states to serve you, and our convenient online store, when you shop with Mary Jane’s you know you will only get the best CBD products on the market today.


Can CBD products help with foot pain?

Topicals with CBD in them can offer you their benefits for leg pain relief and more. And it might work. The advantage of such drugs is that you apply them directly to the area that needs pain relief. You don’t have to take CBD orally to get rid of the discomfort.

Will taking CBD products cause me to get high or feel weird?

CBD is a non-psychoactive form of cannabis that does not contain THC and therefore will not make you feel high. But before buying any CBD product, you should make sure you are buying from a reputable source and you should also check with your healthcare provider before taking CBD.

Can I take CBD for plantar fasciitis?

Yes, since plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain, you can use CBD Topicals to relieve the symptoms of this disease, as CBD can help with the pain. Therefore, you can always use CBD as another possible remedy in the fight against pain.