
CBD For Migraines | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: San Antonio, Texas / third most prevalent illness, diagnosed with the condition, chronic daily migraines, CBD Oil for Migraine Relief, Using CBD to Treat Your Migraine Symptoms

If you have ever suffered from migraines, you know that it is so much more than just a headache. As the third most prevalent illness in the world, the chances are high that either you or someone you know has dealt with their share of migraines.

CBD For Migraines | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: San Antonio, Texas

As frustrating and downright debilitating as this condition can be, there is good news. CBD may prove effective in treating even the worst migraine symptoms.

The Problem with Conventional Treatment Methods

According to the Healthwell Foundation, roughly 36 million people suffer from migraines in the United States alone. Of these 36 million migraine sufferers, it is estimated that more than half are never formally diagnosed with the condition. It is evident that this poses a huge problem for a large amount of the population.

So how are these migraines usually treated? Conventional treatment of migraine symptoms is typically based around over the counter medications, like Excedrin, that may alleviate the pain- but only temporarily.

Unfortunately, over the counter medications like Excedrin can have harmful side effects when taken regularly. With more than 4 million adults experiencing chronic daily migraines, you can see where the problem lies.

When over the counter medications used to treat migraines are taken too frequently, they pose a heightened risk of developing some pretty serious side effects.

These side effects include kidney damage, the development of ulcers, the chance of a stroke, and even an increased chance of heart attack. This may leave you wondering what migraine sufferers are supposed to do. That’s where CBD oil comes in.

CBD Oil for Migraine Relief: Does it Work?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is the non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t produce the “high” feeling that cannabis is so often associated with.

Instead, CBD works with the naturally occurring endocannabinoids found in our bodies to interact with factors such as our immune response system and our ability to sense pain. This is where the magic of CBD becomes evident.

CBD has been reported to be effective in helping treat and alleviate the symptoms in a variety of different health conditions. While there is limited data available to conclusively say that CBD oil can be used as a primary treatment method in regard to migraines, there have been studies that have yielded some promising results. 

One study, completed by the European Academy of Neurology, sought to compare the effectiveness of cannabinoids and conventional medications in treating migraine symptoms.

In the first phase of their study, 48 chronic migraine sufferers were given a combination of two separate compounds- one containing 19 percent THC and the other containing 9 percent CBD and trace amounts of THC. Researchers found that doses 100mg and under-produced nothing substantial but when raised to 200mg, acute pain associated with migraines was reduced by 55 percent.

In the second phase of the study, 25mg of amitriptyline (a medication commonly used to treat migraine symptoms), was thrown into the mix. 79 chronic migraine sufferers received either the 200 mg dose of the THC-CBD combination from phase 1 of the study or the 25mg dose of amitriptyline for three months. When it came time to take a look at the final results of the study, things got interesting. 

Participants of the study reported that the administered THC-CBD combination reduced the frequency of their migraines by 40.4 percent while amitriptyline yielded a 40.1 percent reduction. It was also reported that when migraine attacks did occur, the severity of pain had been reduced by 43.5 percent in participants that were administered the THC-CBD combination.

While these results may not seem overly impressive, it is important to remember that the THC-CBD combination was directly compared to one of the leading migraine preventative treatments on the market today. Not only did cannabinoids perform as well as amitriptyline in this study- it sometimes exceeded its ineffectiveness.

Using CBD to Treat Your Migraine Symptoms

If you suffer from migraines and want to give CBD a shot and don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place! Before you rush out to buy the first CBD oil you come across, it’s important to understand that some work better for migraine symptoms than others.

For best results, it is recommended to find a full-spectrum hemp extract CBD oil. If a CBD oil isn’t your preferred method of administration, there are a variety of different CBD products that you can use to help treat your migraine symptoms. Here are just a few different types for you to consider:

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San Antonio, TX 78216