
CBD Cream for Pain and Arthritis in Asheville / CBD Pain Cream, CBD Gummy Bears, CBD Jelly Beans, CBD-Infused Chocolate, CBD-Infused Sour Rainbow Bites, CBD Oil, CBD Vapes, CBD Lollipops

CBD, like THC, is one of the many cannabinoids that exist in the cannabis plant. THC is the cannabinoid that gets you “high,” Whereas CBD does not. CBD has become very popular due to the many benefits it possesses without psychoactive effects. Studies have suggested that CBD can help with general pain, anxiety, seizures, stress, insomnia, and many other conditions.

The most common ways of consuming CBD are edibles, oils, creams, smoking, and vaporizing. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Smoking CBD flowers or concentrates is a popular and classic method of consumption, yet it is harmful and can irritate the lungs.

Similar to smoking, vaporizing CBD flowers or concentrates is another common and popular method. It is also less harmful than smoking. There are even some studies that suggest that vaporizing can have positive effects on the body by releasing potent antioxidants.

CBD edibles are great because no smoke or vapor is inhaled. This is a nice option for people with sensitive lungs or who are opposed to smoking. One of the downsides to edibles is that they can contain high amounts of sugar, fat, etc. which is not ideal for people with dietary restrictions.

The effects of CBD-infused foods are delayed due to how the body processes edibles, however they have a stronger overall effect. Whereas with smoking and vaporizing, the effects are experienced quicker but for a shorter duration.

CBD oil and pain creams are a great medium for people looking to get the benefits from CBD without eating, smoking, or vaporizing. It’s also great because it can be rubbed directly on areas where pain exists and helps with conditions such as arthritis.

Around 52 million adults in the USA have been diagnosed by a doctor to have arthritis. The most common type of this condition is Osteoarthritis, which mainly affects adults aged 18 to 64. Arthritis is when the cartilage in the hands that protects the surface on the ends of the bones starts to wear away, causing bone to rub against bone. This creates pain and stiffness in areas of the body. The pain can range depending on the severity of the arthritis.

There are no cures for arthritis, just remedies that can relieve pain such as regular physical activity, hot and cold therapies, taking over the counter medications like pain relievers and anti-inflammatories.

For people interested in a more natural solution rather than pain pills, the soothing and pain-relieving properties from CBD are great for people who suffer from arthritis. That’s where CBD oil and CBD Magic Pain Cream come in. They can be directly rubbed on any areas where the pain is present.

Next time you or a loved one is suffering from the symptoms of arthritis or just general pain, let them know about the benefits of CBD Magic Pain Cream! If you are in the amazing city of Asheville, NC, stop by and come inside!


Asheville Store Information:
582 Hendersonville Road,
Asheville, NC 28803
Phone:  828-552-3302