
5 Great CBD Hemp Products | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: Asheville, NC / CBD, Best CBD, 5 Great CBD Hemp Products, CBD Vape, CBD Chocolate Pretzels, Citrus Broad Spectrum, CBD Hemp-Infused Facial Wash, CBD Hemp Icey Rub

Today there are tons of amazing and terrible CBD products on the market. With the spread of cannabis legalization, a wave of brands and different forms of CBD products have flooded the shelves of stores. It can be hard to keep with up with the laws regarding cannabis, let alone keep up with the products and brands offering high-quality CBD and ingredients.

We’ll help breakdown some of the confusion surrounding CBD, for starters, CBD stands for cannabinol. CBD does not make you feel “stoned,” like THC does. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Both THC and CBD are called cannabinoids, which are chemical properties that exist inside cannabis. Experts believe that there around or over 100 cannabinoids.

CBD derived from marijuana remains illegal states because it can contain high amounts of THC. However, CBD derived from hemp contains 0.3 percent, which has been deemed legal due to the non-intoxicating effect. Hemp became legal after the passing for 2018 Farm Bill.

5 Great Products

With the sea of products out there, here are some great products that our customers love:

#5 – CBD Hemp Vape Pens

Our new hemp-based CBD vape pens are great for people who have active and fast-pace lifestyles. Vape pens are really convenient and offer a pretty discrete way to consume CBD. Furthermore, it is not as harmful as inhaling smoke, making it more ideal for people who don’t want something too harsh.

5 Great CBD Hemp Products | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: Asheville, NC

#4 – CBD Chocolate Pretzels

For many chocolate lovers out there, chocolate covered anything is great. That’s no different with our CBD Hemp Chocolate Covered Pretzels. This delicious snack is also great for people on the go. Just grab and open a bag, and you’re ready to go. The good thing about these snacks is they contain 50mg of CBD per pretzel, so you can really control your dosage.

5 Great CBD Hemp Products | Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary: Asheville, NC

#3 – Citrus Broad Spectrum NO THC Oil (1000mg)

If you’re not a big fan of smoking, vaping, or edibles, oil tinctures tend to be a great choice. They are simple and easy to use. You can add CBD tincture droplets to drinks and food, or just simply pour drops right in your mouth. Broad spectrum CBD oils contain extra cannabinoids and terpenes to give you more bang for your buck.


#2 – CBD Hemp-Infused Facial Wash

People who suffer from acne or just want to give their skin the nourishment it deserves, hemp-based CBD face wash could be a great fit. CBD contains anti-inflammatory properties that have been said to help reduce acne. CBD is also a powerful antioxidant that is great for the skin in general.


#1 – CBD Hemp Icey Rub

If you’re someone who exercises or is active frequently, you are no stranger to sore muscles. Our CBD Icey Rub is great for these types of occasions. It is also great for people who face pain and soreness from conditions like arthritis. The CBD Icey Rub is simple to apply, just pop off the cap and roll on the painful areas.


Asheville Store Location:
582 Hendersonville Road,
Asheville, NC 28803
Phone: 828-552-3302